Jones County Historical Society Plans a Sustainable Future

The Jones County Historical Society has established a new endowment to support the organizations role as an educational resource, a leader in the preservation of local history, and an integral part of the community working for the benefit of local history.

The Jones County Historical Society was able to establish a sustaining endowment. Endowment funds will payout 5% every year to help support the work of the nonprofit forever.

The Jones County Historical Society is one of more than 20 nonprofits serving Jones County supported by an endowed fund at the Foundation. Last year, nonprofits received more than $35,440 from Jones County Community Foundation endowment payouts.

Gifts to endowed funds are eligible for the Endow Iowa 25% State Tax Credit. This tax credit is in addition to the federal deduction for charitable gifts. Endow Iowa is a financial incentive for individual donors, families, and businesses to create or build endowments to give back to their community. For some donors, the actual cost of the gift is 40 cents on the dollar; and the increased charitable impact per dollar gifted is one of the reasons endowments are growing in Jones County.

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