Williams Joins Community Foundation of Greater Dubuque as Youth Impact Coordinator

The Community Foundation of Greater Dubuque (CFGD) is pleased to announce that Rachel Williams joined the staff as youth impact coordinator on June 21.

In addition to connecting donors to causes they care about and strengthening nonprofits, CFGD brings together community members to create greater good, addressing complex community challenges to build a thriving, resilient region. Williams will lead initiatives that focus on academic achievement including the Campaigns for Grade-Level Reading in Dubuque, Dyersville and Jackson County.

Williams comes to the Foundation from the Jackson County Campaign for Grade-Level Reading where she focused on growing a network of strong partnerships with nonprofits and community leaders to implement a community solutions action plan in order to improve outcomes for students. Her past experience with attendance strategies, summer learning and school readiness will benefit her as she guides the GLR Networks of Dubuque, Jackson County and Dyersville to continue their great work.